Features Overview

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Private Strength & Conditioning or Personal Training

Training with one Strength Coach or Personal Trainer, and one athlete or client. This is the option which provides the most individualized attention and program design for the athlete or client.

Because of the attention to detail inherent in one-on-one coaching, this is the option with the highest price point.


semi-Private strength & conditioning or personal training

Training with one Strength Coach or Personal Trainer and two to three athletes or clients. This option provides similar individualized attention and program design to the Private option, but is supervised with slightly less attention to detail.

This is a cost-effective option which still provides a high degree of individualization. A semi-private group can be composed of athletes or clients who either come in to train as a pair or group; or who are complete strangers looking to join a group for a more feasible option.

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Small-group strength & conditioning or personal training

Training with one Strength Coach or Personal Trainer and four to six athletes or clients. This is the most cost-effective option, but because of the ratio of coaches to trainees, there is looser supervision as regards attention to detail than the previous two. However, programs are still individualized as much as possible according to the experience level of the coach.

This is a great option for athletes or clients of similar skills, training age, physical competencies, or injury histories. In particular, athletes in similar age groups playing the same sport, or who play on the same team, would benefit greatly from this option.

A small-group can be composed of athletes or clients who either come in to train together; or who are complete strangers looking to join a group for a more feasible option.